Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet

Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.

Character: Ji-Li's Dad
Student Name: Marcello Kim
1. Question: What happened when you didn't come back from work? Why?
Answer: When I didn't come back from work at the Chinese new year, I was locked up. (P.179) Then I was forced to do hard labor.(P.188~189) The red guards and people in the work unit hold struggle meetings against me forcing me to lie.(P.183~184) They also sent me to remolding classes the hard way.(P.189) It was because I was framed as a couterrevolutionary and that I was listening to foreign radio. (P.182)
2. Question: What happened with your valuables and pictures of good memories when the cultural revolution started?
Answer: First, I had to paint my prized trunks into the color black to not get sent to jail. (P.94~95) Then, Our family had to cut up the gowns and dresses to make covers. (P.96~97) Finally, I had to burn all my pictures of happy memories. (P.123~125)
3. Question: Why were you framed?
Answer: I was framed because of my landlord father. Actually, I didn't even get to know my father well because he died when I was 7. Also, it was because Mao's created a society that if you were jealous, you could tear them down by the name of 'new China'. Only because of me being sucessfull, I had to go through harsh labor and struggle meetings.(P.188~189)
4. Question: What happened to your family after your letter was found? What was the letter about?
Answer: The letter was a letter that I had to send it to the party committee to prove my inocence. When the letter was found my family were treated very poorly. My mother had to sweep the alley two times a day even in her 70's. (P.253~256) Also, my wife had to be sent to struggle meetings with me. (P.255) And my childrens were lost their opportunities of doing what they wanted to do.